CHEESE UNCUT 32 New retail perspectives from industry experts @specialityfood The Cornwall-based cheesemaker has invested in anaerobic digestion (AD) in a move towards greater sustainability and lessened dependency on the national grid. Anaerobic digestion captures the gases released by organic materials, such as cowmanure, and converts it into energy. “While small UK herds are not the main contributors, every effort to capture methane and convert it to green energy is a win for the environment,” explained Ben Stansfield, head of sales and marketing at Cornish Cheese Co. “Capturing methane frommanure not only prevents it from entering the atmosphere but also produces Cornish Cheese Co makes sustainable investment The Italy-based business dedicated to the production, cutting and packaging of portioned and grated cheeses has released its third Sustainability Report, reinforcing its commitment to becoming a benchmark for sustainability in its sector. In the report, the Group’s comprehensive approach towards sustainability – including economic, environmental, ethical and social aspects – are highlighted. A focus on sustainability is a key part of DalterGroup’s operations, which was reaffirmed in the business’s Code of Ethics which reinforces the company’s characteristics of honesty, transparency and fairness and by having received the EcoVadis Bronze Medal for sustainability in 2023. Andrea Guidi, GM of the Group, said, “The continuation of the war in Ukraine, with its repercussions on rawmaterials costs, the outbreak of turmoil in the Middle East, and climate change, which, with episodes of drought alternating with heavy flooding, is increasingly impacting our peninsula, have been a difficult context in which to operate for all production realities in Italy and beyond. It is precisely these difficulties that have driven us – yesterday as today – to be increasingly proactive inmaking our business economically, environmentally and socially sustainable, with projects that enable us to make products that are good for our customers, but also for the society and the region of which we are a part. Thanks to the Group’s determination, we have achieved positive results in economic terms (+8% turnover), social terms (+87% training hours provided) and environmental terms.” For full details of the report, visit dalterfood.com/en/sustainability/. DalterFood Group reinforces its commitment to sustainability
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