Cheese Retailers April 2024

8 @specialityfood To portion a wheel of Le Gruyère AOP, cut it in half using a cheesewire then into quarters using a double-handled knife. Halve these quarters into eighths, then cut the top half into three wedges and the bottom into six slices. Wrap the cut portions with clingfilm in order to avoid the cheese coming into contact with the air. HOW TO CUT LE GRUYÈRE AOP DUE TO THE SIMPLICITY OF LE GRUYÈRE AOP – ITS ONLY INGREDIENTS AREMILK, SALT ANDANIMAL RENNET, NOT TOMENTION TIME AND EXPERTISE – THE ENVIRONMENT FROM WHICH THEMILK COMES IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE Le Gruyère AOP and the town and region of Gruyères are named after a crane, orgrue in French, which purportedly landed on the shoulder of the warlord who founded the civilization. You can see depictions of the crane on the statues, flags, and doorways of every village in the area, as well as on several wheels of the cheese DID YOU KNOW imbuing the cheese with a unique taste of the Alps. This attention to quality doesn’t pause during the colder seasons; instead of silage, the cows are fed hay when temperatures are too low for grazing. from the production of the milk used to make the cheese to its ageing – in order to maintain the internationally- renowned flavour and quality of Le Gruyère AOP. Distance and speed are also key; milk must be produced within 12.4 miles of the cheesemaking site, and must have been transported from the farm to the vat within 18 hours. Due to the simplicity of Le Gruyère AOP – its only ingredients are milk, salt and animal rennet, not to mention time and expertise – the environment from which the milk comes is of paramount importance. Thankfully, the Swiss pastures on which the cows graze are full of natural herbs and flora,