Cheese Retailers April 2024 47 PROPOSING EVENTS LIKE CHEESE ANDWINE DISCOVERY EVENINGSWITH THE PRODUCERS ON-SITE HAS BEEN GOOD TO PROMOTE NEWAND EXISTING PRODUCTS Revisited For Eleanore Deneuve, founder of London- based Cheezolo, 2023 proved to be a fruitful year – even with the backdrop of inflation and the cost-of-living crisis. “Customers were still present to treat themselves to great cheeses and wine,” begins Eleanore, “principally due to eatingmore often at home than going out.” The post-Covid return of workers to offices has also helped footfall at the shop, as has the demand for event catering. Unfortunately, plans for a second premises are currently on hold partly due to inflation, and the rise of operational costs as well as those of dairy and deli products has been a challenge; Eleanore has successfully proposed alternative products which offered better value for customers. Another smart move was becoming extra vigilant on short- life products – for example soft cheeses – to limit wastage. Smart accounting has also fed into a successful 12 months. “Changing suppliers and looking at their promotions and offering has also been key to avoid significantly raisingmy prices for the end customers; it may slightly bemore work at the end of the month in terms of accounting, but worth it in terms of profitability.” Growing Cheezolo’s onlinemarket is top of Eleanore’s list of priorities. “London is a wide city with a customer base keen on obtaining great quality cheeses and delicatessen products at just a click, so changing the website and offering is part of the strategy of development for Cheezelo. “The catering side of the business is also a focus of redevelopment, and proposing various type of menu for events on-site/ offsite is on the agenda,” says Eleanore. The UK’s growing appetite for learning about the food and drink they consume feeds into this. “Customers want to have an experience with fine cheeses and wines and gain knowledge on fine foods and pairing,” she explains. Providing great products and services to customers underpins the Cheezolo business Cheezolo plan. “I have increased the customer base by proposing loyalty cards for lunch takeaway, and other types of deals for retaining customers,” explains Eleanore. “Maintaining a high customer service is key, also obtaining great reviews and recommendations which allow Cheezelo to performwell and gain new customers. The reviews of the business are high and satisfying.” “Maintaining a presence online and on social media is key for small business to keep a visibility to the cheese lovers out there,” says Eleanore. “Proposing events like cheese and wine discovery evenings with the producers on-site has been good to promote new and existing products. Similarly, to hosting networking events or thematic events has allowed Cheezelo to be known and discovered by new customers. PROUD MOMENTS