Cheese Retailers April 2024

40 @specialityfood Likemany independent retailers, The Norfolk Deli’s Mark Kacary found 2023 to be a challenging time. “The combination of the cost-of-living crisis, higher energy costs and reduced footfall is not the ideal recipe for any small business,” he says. “Having said that, we are still here and looking forward to the next 12 months where we are looking to do new things to introduce new revenue streams.” “A general reduction in footfall has been one of our main challenges,” says Mark, “but we have overcome that by trying to be a bit smarter in everything we do. For example, we are doing a lot more in terms of digital marketing which has resulted in an increase in online sales.” Events have played their part in keeping spirits high. “Cheese tasting evenings which were slow to get started have become part of what we do. Footfall is still not quite what it was before Covid, but we can only work with what’s in front of us and find new avenues of revenue.” Valuable lessons have been learned at The Norfolk Deli. “Stay alert to situations around the world. Do not over-spend, keep tight control over your costs andmaximise your revenue earning potential.” When it comes to introducing new ideas, Mark recommends developing themgradually. “Try something new but develop it in stages – see if it works and if it does build on it little FOOTFALL IS STILL NOT QUITEWHAT ITWAS BEFORE COVID, BUTWE CAN ONLYWORKWITHWHAT’S IN FRONT OF US AND FIND NEW AVENUES OF REVENUE Discounting pays “We introduced a Residents Discount Card as we worked out that if we can get a customer to shop with our more often, even if their spend is relatively small the increase in sales turnover would counter-balance a discount given when they shop with us,” explains Mark. “All it takes is a small up- tick in the number of local residents to shop with us more regularly to have a longer-term impact on our financials.” DISCOUNTING PAYS by little. Build demand andmake people want more.” Plus, Mark has found that it pays to show attention to your customer database; “these are people who have shown faith in your business and have come into your shop or online and spent money with you. Do not ignore them.” Mark’s position on a local body which aims to increase footfall in the centre of Hunstanton has brought about the idea of TheWest Norfolk Seasonal Food & Drink Festival. As well as supporting small local producers and increasing footfall during quiet seasons, The Norfolk Deli will have stall on-site. “I amobviously not shying away from the fact that we are the organisers and that most of the products sold at themarket are/will be available to buy fromour shop when themarket is not in town.” Revisited TheNorfolkDeli