Cheese Retailers April 2024

base as the town has many visitors at certain times, and local weekly footfall can be erratic inmost places these days.” Education is key to The Cheese Box’s mission. “We focus on being available to all and take great joy in dispensing cheese history and cheesemaking information, and connecting it to the cheeses we sell.” Offering tasters of the cheeses on offer has also proven to be a valuable exercise, as has flexibility. “We open at times accessible to locals wanting to pop in for Cheese Boxes or platters to take home, so early evenings are great. The option of having a great cheese board and filling the gap around restaurant times, prices etc has worked very well in our area.” Keeping it unique By keeping an eye on the status quo of the local businesses andmaking sure that her offering complements what they do, Dawn has made a smart business move. “I think one has to assess what your area already has to compliment your cheese,” she says. “We have found by being by the sea and being lucky enough to have produce shops on our main street, we are able to focus very much on selling cheese and a few locally-made accompaniments. This 30 @specialityfood H aving enjoyed a childhood where her ex-farming family were fans of quality, locally- produced food, it was perhaps only natural that Dawn Hackett would go on to create a business sharing the joys of artisanal cheeses fromher region. Nearly 20 years ago, she set up a mobile British cheese van – The Cheese Box – in South London, which brought traditional regional cheeses to people in her local area. “When I was busy earning money freelancing and raising children, I would take orders from locals and deliver cheeses to their homes. It’s how I learned how personal this food is to people, and how important it is to share stories and passion with them over such a simple but immensely important food. As a specialist retailer this is what can set you apart from others and also create a supportive community around you,” says Dawn. 17 years ago, Dawnmoved to Kent’s Whitstable and opened a bricks-and- mortar shop. “It was a bigmove for me,” says Dawn. “I wanted the customer to feel like we were still outside with the van or on a market, and be welcoming to all.” Partially thanks to this open-minded attitude, The Cheese Box boasts a varied clientele. “We have a diverse customer LOCATION: WHITSTABLE, KENT FOUNDED: 2007 FOUNDER: DAWN HACKETT The Cheese Box IT IS VERY EASY TO OVER DIVERSIFY AND ALWAYS STOCK FAMOUS CHEESES OR OVERSTOCK THE COUNTER. WE HAVE FOUND AND CHAMPIONED CHEESES THATWORK FOR US ANDWE ABSOLUTELY LOVE Local Passion “I now have a personal story developing behind the shop: working on a micro dairy for my small nubian goat herd near the local marshes,” begins Dawn. “It is obviously a labour of love, but the customers feel a real connection with the cheese journey and the trials and tribulations that go along side making and the animals. This connects the shop like a portal to the cheese experience and journey. I am aiming that this may become a social enterprise project with therapeutic benefits for the community.” A NEW VENTURE LONDON & SOUTH