Cheese Retailers April 2024

more provisions, and in the last year branched out into hospitality with a new cafe bistro with space for 20-30, offering cheese-based dishes, wine by the glass and speciality coffee. The journey continues. “We are constantly evolving and making improvements as we learn,” says Tom. “Our customers have been patient and enjoyed the journey we’ve been on.” An open mind has been key to the business’s success. “No products are off the table so we aren’t fixed in to one idea or sector, so with a relatively small space to operate everything that arrives here is tried and tested first and has to be the absolute best.” A combination of local and European cheese has proven successful thus far – “taste is always the priority when selecting” – while having a hospitality 22 @specialityfood W hile Star Plain didn’t have the most auspicious start – missing shelves, a location at the ‘wrong end of town’ and staff learning how to wrap cheese the night before opening – the business has gone from strength to strength and has gone on to help create a local food and shopping destination in Holt, Norfolk. “The shop opened in May 2021 as a brand new start-up, initially with just a cheese counter with eight cheeses, a small provisions section and a coffee machine for takeaway coffees,” begins Tom Brady, founder and owner of Star Plain. “The unit had stood empty for four years but had a beautiful structure and an eye-catching exterior – an old pub from the 1600s.” In time, Tom and his team added an alcohol licence and LOCATION: HOLT, NORFOLK FOUNDED: 2021 FOUNDER: TOM BRADY Star Plain The Experimenter “I intend to make my own goats cheese,” says Tom, “so actually formulating a plan this year on how and when to launch that is the goal... not being erratic and just buying some goats and creating a plan afterwards!” CHEESEMONGER BECOMES CHEESEMAKER EAST ANGLIA