Cheese Retailers April 2024

eyes and palate –Mayfield by Alsop and Walker, a recent discovery, is now one of their favourite cheeses and George makes them aware when it arrives in the counter. Challenges and triumphs George has put his customers in prime position when it comes to the evolution of the brand. “One of the main challenges we face at the moment is deciding how to develop the business without diluting the brand,” says George. “We have worked hard in the last two years to create the Georgonzola brand and would 18 @specialityfood A fter years of experience in the food and drink sphere, George Hammond opened his own cheese emporium – Georgonzola, located in Clitheroe, Lancashire – after losing his job at a local market butchers. “I decided that losing that job was the ‘hint’ I needed to launch Georgonzola,” he says. George prides himself on the knowledge and passion shown behind the counter, as well as the customer focus and personalised service provided. “From remembering what the customer bought the last time they were in, to recommending a specific cheese to go with the drinks they have picked up in the past. Sometimes we will also contact specific customers when one of their favourite products comes back into season.” Educating the customer base “We have quite a varied customer base, fromyoung people only just venturing into the artisan cheese world all the way through to customers that are brand-loyal and want what they know.” With careful education, the plethora of Georgonzola customers are gradually learning to branch out. “Since opening, the brand-loyal customers have become a bit more flexible with what they are willing to try,” says George. “I think this is due to learning what I am about, and that I don’t often offer them something to try that is a true wildcard.” One customer had been exclusively buying Colston Bassett Stilton, Baron Bigod and Tasty Lancashire, but George opened their LOCATION: CLITHEROE, LANCASHIRE FOUNDED: 2021 FOUNDER: GEORGE HAMMOND Georgonzola The Educator The coming year brings new opportunities, with multiple tasting events planned and more to come. Georgonzola’s drink selection is soon to be boosted, too. “We have plans to start extending our drinks selection with a move towards some more unusual natural wines.” Keen to do a thorough job at introducing a new option to the roster, George is keen to educate himself first. “I want to learn a bit more about them first, so I plan on doing my WSET 2 course this year to build on my current knowledge, which is more about my tastes rather than what others may prefer.” PLANS FOR 2024 NORTH