Cheese Retailers April 2024 15 rewards, but Perry’s mission to champion the British cheese industry is unwaveringly supported – “this personal and educational approach ensures that even if customers don’t leave with cheese, they have a deeper appreciation of the importance of supporting the British artisan cheese industry,” he says. A change of approach While Rennet & Rind’s passionate education of its cheese-loving customers is proving popular, that wasn’t the original plan for the business. “Previously, we focused on supplying bespoke matured cheese to Michelin-starred restaurants and fine dining establishments,” explains Perry. “However, with these outlets closed due to the pandemic and a surplus of bespoke cheese on our hands, we questioned whether the public might be interested in our hyper-focused matured cheeses.” This change of direction led to the creation of Rennet & Rind’s flagship product – the Mystery Cheese Box – which changed weekly for over a year to support British cheesemakers during tough times. “The response was overwhelming,” says Perry, “and this initiative snowballed. Within seven days, we built a logo and a website, and here we are today with a physical shop.” Rennet & Rind has certainly seen its fair share of plaudits, but two moments particularly stand out to Perry. “My proudest achievements include retaining the Affineur of the Year title” – awarded again in 2023 – “and launching our physical store. These accomplishments stem from relentless dedication to quality, a deep understanding of cheese maturation, and robust community support.” BEST SELLING CHEESES PEVENSEYBLUE Smooth, creamy and rich with perfectly balanced complexity and saltiness. TRETHOWAN’S DAIRY PITCHFORKCHEDDAR Full-bodied and dense with amasterful creamy texture. trethowanbrothers. com ISLE OFMULL A crumbly texture and complex profile with ale and whisky undertones. isleofmullcheese. BARON BIGOD A complex Brie-style cheese with notes of mushroom, rich creambutter and pan- roasted parsnips. OUR PERSONAL AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH ENSURES THAT EVEN IF CUSTOMERS DON’T LEAVEWITH CHEESE, THEY HAVE A DEEPER APPRECIATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF SUPPORTING THE BRITISH ARTISAN CHEESE INDUSTRY