Cheese Retailers April 2024 13 WEWILL NEVER REDUCE THE QUALITYWHICHWE OFFER TOMAKE USMORE ACCESSIBLE. ONCE YOU FALL FOR THAT, YOU GO UP AGAINST THE SUPERMARKETS, AND THAT IS A BATTLE NONE OF US CANWIN The ‘C’ word. Covid, oddly was kind to us. We stayed open, managed to avoid catching it, adapted to the situation by offering deliveries. We did steady business throughout. Cancer. Caroline was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. Initially it was awful, how could we get through it? But we managed. You have to. She is now five years clear. The ‘B’ word. Brexit. I don’t care what you thought would happen, it’s been nothing but bad news. So many price increases. We’ve had to reduce mark up on many lines, even drop some as prices went through the acceptable ceilings for that product. Even in our Christmas purchasing we’ve been more cautious. But our golden rule is ‘never dumb down’. We stick to that, and we will never reduce the quality which we offer to make us more accessible. Once you fall for that, you go up against the supermarkets, and that is a battle none of us can win. GREATEST CHALLENGES